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Achieve faster time to market with composable commerce

Written by
Carla Hetherington
Published on
June 7, 2023
Updated on
May 17, 2024

In recent years, global crises like the COVID-19 pandemic and war conflicts have brought the drawbacks of traditional commerce platforms to the forefront, disrupting the supply chain and inherently changing the way we do business. As such, the increasing customer demands expedited the need for a different, faster approach to commerce. This new approach, known as Composable Commerce, emerged from the need for a flexible commerce model to accommodate the rapid changes in social and business dynamics. Above all, businesses sought a way to shorten their time to market and hit the ground running with ready-to-use applications.

The problem with “old-school” commerce platforms

“Old-school” commerce platforms, also known as monolithic platforms, are those with tightly coupled front- and backends that make it challenging to make modifications such as, for example, showing up-to-date product availability.

Additionally, these platforms are often not cloud-native and rely on physical servers, thus hindering the scaling process in regard to demand and reducing compatibility with hybrid or remote working models.

Most importantly, these monolithic platforms often use custom code to create their integrations. This approach slows businesses' time to market by unnecessarily complicating their integration journey.

The solution? A new commerce model that allows users to experiment with new systems freely and without risking data loss, shortening the integration journey and, therefore, the time to market. This new commerce model is no other than Composable Commerce, and it is already making waves:

“By 2023, organizations that have adopted a Composable Commerce approach will outpace the competition by 80% in the speed of new feature implementation.” -Gartner

What is Composable Commerce?

Composable Commerce is a way for businesses to create more meaningful, intuitive, and convenient product experiences for their customers through a careful selection of best-of-breed technologies.

What are the benefits of Composable Commerce?

  • Flexibility: it enables businesses to seamlessly integrate best-of-breed systems without the need to re-platform, fostering adaptability to new markets, channels, and customer demands.
  • Modularity: PBCs used in composable structures can be deployed independently and modified over time, eradicating the liabilities that stem from rigid pairings of services.
  • Cost-effectiveness: thanks to its best-of-breed approach, businesses only need to pay for the necessary features instead of paying for an all-in-one platform filled with features they will not use.
  • Time-effectiveness: integrating different components with the composable approach is easier since they communicate through modern APIs.

Learn all there is to know about Composable Commerce in our white paper.

How can you achieve a faster time to market with Composable Commerce?

Freely experiment with different software to test and build new ideas faster

One of the core tenets of Composable Commerce is the ability to experiment freely with interchangeable software components. Unlike traditional platforms, which rely on rigid, pre-built features, Composable Commerce allows businesses to mix and match various software services, APIs, and microservices to create tailored solutions that meet their specific needs. This freedom to experiment empowers businesses to iterate quickly, build fast proofs of concept, test new ideas, and respond rapidly to market feedback.

Work on software simultaneously and leverage pre-built solutions to speed up development cycles

The modular nature of Composable Commerce enables teams to work simultaneously on different software components, speeding up development cycles. Furthermore, businesses can leverage pre-built software modules and third-party services, reducing the time and effort required for development and integration. As a result, this faster time to market allows businesses to seize opportunities swiftly, stay ahead of competitors, and respond effectively to shifting customer demands.

Benefit from cloud-native agility and scalability

Composable Commerce owes its agility to its cloud-native nature. By being cloud-native, composable solutions are inherently faster, more flexible, and more scalable than those tied to physical servers, supporting larger workloads and users than on-premises software while fostering adaptation to changes in demand or growth.

Do you want to grow your business with a composable approach? Read our blog about how Composable Commerce plays a crucial role In business scalability ->

How does Alumio empower Composable Commerce?

Alumio provides a cloud-native, low-code "integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS)" that enables businesses to connect two or multiple software, cloud apps, or data sources.

Alumio enables the flexible integration of microservices and PBCs, accommodating composable stacks and modular architectures by automatically segregating connected systems into data flows and microservices visually on one intuitive dashboard.

Moreover, with Alumio, businesses can progressively switch towards a composable architecture based on their current needs without having to re-platform their entire IT landscape.

If you want to take an in-depth look into how the Alumio iPaaS can integrate Composable Commerce Experiences in your business, make sure to check out our blog!


In a nutshell, Composable Commerce + Alumio = faster time to market.

Equipped with unparalleled flexibility, Alumio empowers businesses to achieve a faster time to market through the seamless integration of new technologies such as Composable Commerce. Via the Alumio platform, businesses can benefit from Composable Commerce and:

  • Freely experiment with new software to build faster proofs of concept and get ideas to market quicker
  • Work simultaneously on different software components to speed up development cycles
  • Access pre-built software modules and third-party services to reduce the time and effort required for development and integration
  • Benefit from cloud-native agility and scalability

Want to explore all the benefits of our platform? Click here to get a free demo!

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Business Development Representative, Alumio, point to the right with both hands -  within a white circular background.

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