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General Terms & Conditions

Last modified: October 1, 2024

These Terms and Conditions apply to all offers, agreements and Services provided by Alumio B.V., established in Groningen (The Netherlands) and registered with the Chamber of Commerce under registration number 71996451, hereafter referred to as ‘Alumio’.

1. Definitions


Integration Platform: the cloud-native Integration Platform which is made available by Alumio to Customer via the internet (Platform-as-a-Service).


Configuration: the configured connection(s) within the Integration Platform between the IT systems or data sources of the Customer and/or third parties, allowing data to be processed by importing and exporting the data from within the Integration Platform. Import configurations retrieve data from third-party systems or data sources and export configurations take the received data, transform it into the format a third-party system expects, and sends it to a third-party system.


Agreement: The License Agreement and these Terms. 


Business Hours: hours between 9:00 and 17:00 on weekdays, excluding weekends, Dutch national holidays, and days which Alumio has announced that it is closed.


Confidential Information: any and all information provided by one Party to the other in any form whatsoever, either orally or in writing, electronically or in print (i) that is marked as confidential, or (ii) which the parties should reasonably understand to be regarded as confidential. Trade secrets and pricing information of Alumio as well as personal data always qualify as confidential information.


Customer: a natural person or legal entity that concludes an Agreement with Alumio to use Alumio’s Services.


Implementation Partner: the partner engaged by the Customer to implement the Integration Platform on the IT systems of Customer.


Effective Date: the date of execution of the Agreement as mentioned in the License Agreement.


Intellectual Property Rights: all intellectual property rights and related rights, including but not limited to copyrights, database rights, and know-how.


License Agreement: the agreement between Alumio and Customer to which these Terms apply, containing a description and pricing of the Integration Platform, Alumio’s ERP API Plugin, and/or any other software or Services.


Alumio ERP API Plugin: software of Alumio which enables the synchronization of data between the ERP (SAP/Microsoft Dynamics/Exact Globe) and other software, like an E-commerce Platform.


Offer: an offer made by Alumio in writing or orally containing the description and pricing of Integration Platform and/or other software or Services.


Services: all services provided by Alumio, including the making available of the Integration Platform, Alumio’s ERP API Plugin, and/or any other software as well as providing software development services to Customer.


Terms: these general terms and conditions of Alumio.

2. Conclusion of the Agreement


Unless indicated otherwise, Offers are without obligation. Alumio is allowed to withdraw the Offer within 48 Business Hours after Alumio has received Customer’s acceptance of an Offer.


Alumio will send Customer the License Agreement after Customer has accepted Alumio’s Offer. The Agreement will be concluded when both parties have signed the License Agreement of Alumio. The Agreement will be executed starting from the Effective Date.


The applicability of any of Customer’s purchase or other terms are excluded.


In the event of a conflict between any provisions, the following hierarchy applies:


The License Agreement;


These Terms;


Other documents or terms agreed upon between parties.


Customer is obliged to provide all information and cooperation necessary for a correct execution of the Agreement. In case Customer fails to do so, the Effective Date can be changed by Alumio.

3. Implementation Partner and Support


Before Customer can use Integration Platform, the platform needs to be connected to other IT systems or platforms of the Customer. Customer needs to engage an Implementation Partner who can establish such connections, the so-called ‘Configurations’, with Integration Platform.


Customer is responsible for finding and engaging an Implementation Partner or investing in educating and training its own resources before performing the integration Configuration.


Unless agreed upon otherwise, Alumio provides support regarding Integration Platform on a best effort basis during Business Hours.


When, in the opinion of Alumio, certain support requests fall within the responsibility of the Implementation Partner, Alumio will forward such support requests to Implementation Partner when reasonably possible.

4. Configurations


For Integration Platform to work correctly, the Implementation Partner is responsible for implementing the correct Configurations. Alumio is not responsible for the Configurations.


Because Configurations connect with third-party systems, a Configuration may stop working correctly if the concerning third party makes changes to its systems. This will have a direct impact on the correct working of Integration Platform. Alumio is not responsible for the correct working of the Configurations and is not obliged to repair Configurations.

5. Use of Integration Platform


Upon the Effective Date and subject to timely payment of the agreed upon fees, Alumio grants to Customer the right to use Integration Platform made available by Alumio for a period as stated in the License Agreement. This right is limited to use by Customer within Customer’s company or legal entity.


To use Integration Platform, the Customer must have an account. Upon conclusion of the Agreement, the Customer will be provided with a primary account and login information (username and password) to access the Integration Platform.


The Customer must secure access to its account(s) by protecting the username and password against access by third parties. The Customer must keep any login information strictly confidential.


Alumio endeavors to implement appropriate recovery measures to be able to recover functionality of Integration Platform, should an incident occur. Due to the nature of Integration Platform, Alumio is not able to make backups of data saved or transferred by Customer using Integration Platform and therefore Customer is not entitled to claim restoration of data and/or back-ups unless otherwise agreed upon.


Alumio is entitled to view log files and the like for purposes of analyzing the use of Integration Platform. The results of such an analysis will not be made available to third parties (third parties do not include holding or subsidiary organizations of Alumio). This does not apply to figures and data regarding the use of Integration Platform, which are not directly traceable to Customer’s use.

6. Update policy


Customer can choose from two options to have the production environment automatically updated. The options are: the latest Alumio version (every two weeks) or the LTS (long-term support) version.


The LTS version is released once per quarter, on the first day of the new quarter. Customer automatically receives the new LTS version in the first week of the new quarter.


Customer will have to choose one of the options from the dashboard in Alumio. Not updating is not an option.


The LTS version receives quarterly updates for critical security issues and bugs (critical issues only). The LTS version is based on a "stable" version that is 2 versions behind the last stable version at the time of release.

7. Use of Alumio’s ERP API Plugin


Upon the Effective Date and subject to timely payment of the agreed upon fees, Alumio grants to Customer the right to use Alumio’s ERP API Plugin made available by Alumio for a period as stated in the License Agreement. This right is limited to use by Customer within Customer’s company or legal entity.


Alumio’s ERP API Plugin has been delivered as a deployable package and can be installed by Alumio into Customer’s ERP or directed by Alumio when installed by Customers’ IT department or SAP partner. The Alumio ERP API Plugin will enable the out-of-the-box available web services, which then needs to be mapped and configured to the default SAP installation and configuration, to meet the business process requirements of the Customer. Upon request, Alumio can adjust or expand these web services, so they’re tailored to the Customers’ needs.

8. Development of software


Development always takes place under an agreement for services. If no specifications or design of the software to be developed have been provided before the agreement is entered into, or no specifications or designs are provided when the agreement is entered into, parties specify, by consultation and in writing, the software and/or website to be developed and the way the software will be developed.


Unless otherwise agreed in the agreement, Alumio makes the software developed available to Customer for use based on a user license and for the term of the agreement. The right to use the software is non-exclusive, non-transferable, and non-sublicensable.


The source code of the software is only made available to Customer if this has been agreed in on writing, in which case the Customer is entitled to modify the software.

9. Fair Use Policy


Alumio implements a Fair Use Policy to ensure that all customers can optimally utilize our services. This policy applies to all license agreements and ensures that customers who use substantially more services than agreed (hereinafter called “Excessive Use”), are treated fairly.


The Customer is considered to be making Excessive Use of the Services when the usage exceeds the agreed-upon number of tasks as agreed in the License Agreement by more than 25%.


Proactive Upgrades: If the Customer consumes more than 25% of tasks over the agreed-upon amount in the License Agreement, Alumio has the right to proactively upgrade the Customer to a higher subscription. The Customer will be notified of this upgrade.


Additional Costs: Instead of a Proactive Upgrade (9.3), Alumio may charge additional fees for the Excessive Usage. These fees will be calculated based on the rate for extra tasks as specified in the applicable price list at that time. The Customer will be notified of this upgrade.

10. Intellectual Property Rights


All intellectual property rights to Alumio’s Integration Platform, Alumio’s ERP API Plugin, and any other software made available by Alumio to Customer remain exclusively vested in Alumio or its licensors.


Alumio indemnifies Customer against any claim of a third party based on the allegation that software developed by Alumio itself infringes an intellectual property right of that third party.

11. Availability and maintenance of the Services


Alumio endeavors to keep the Services available. Alumio does not warrant uninterrupted availability.


Alumio uses its best efforts to perform maintenance regarding the Services. Maintenance includes patches, updates, and upgrades installed on Alumio’s sole discretion to increase performance and/or the security of the Services. Alumio endeavors to notify Customer in advance via email when planned maintenance will have an impact to the availability of the Services. When reasonably possible, Maintenance will take place when use of the Services is averagely low.


Alumio may from time-to-time change functionalities in its Services. Suggestions and feedback of the Customer are welcome, but ultimately Alumio will decide which functions will be added or changed.

12. Payment and prices


All prices are in euro and excluding tax unless the License Agreement states otherwise. Alumio will send Customer a digital invoice, containing the amount owed for the Services. Customer must pay invoices of Alumio within 14 days after the date stated in the invoice.


The Customer bears all risks associated with currency exchange fluctuations if the prices specified in the Licence Agreement are denominated in euro (€) and the Customer chooses to make payments in a currency other than euro. The Customer is responsible for ensuring that the amount received by Alumio, after conversion to euro, is equivalent to the full amount due under the License Agreement. Any shortfall resulting from currency exchange rates, bank fees, or other financial charges shall be borne by the Customer and must be promptly compensated to ensure that Alumio receives the full amount owed in euro.


If Customer should fail to pay the sums due or does not pay these on time, the statutory interest for commercial agreements (art. 6:119a Dutch Civil Code) is payable by Customer on any outstanding sum, without a reminder or notice of default being required.


If an invoice is not paid in time, Alumio has the right to limit the use of the Services.


In the event Customer should be under a periodic payment obligation, Alumio may adjust the applicable prices and rates in writing with due observance of a period of at least three months. If, in the latter case, Customer does not want to accept the price adjustment, Customer is entitled to terminate the agreement by serving a notice of termination in writing, within thirty days following the notification of the adjustment and effective from the date on which the new prices and/or rates would take effect.


If Customer makes more use of specific parts of the Services during the term of the Agreement, such as but not limited to data usage, storage space and backup space, than agreed in advance, this will be charged to Customer in accordance with Alumio’s standard rates.

13. Confidentiality


Customer and Alumio ensure that secrecy is observed with respect to all information received from the other party of which information the receiving party knows or should reasonably know it is confidential. The party that receives the confidential information may only use it for the purpose for which it has been provided. Information is in any case deemed confidential if it has been designated as such by either party.


Customer acknowledges that software made available by Alumio is always confidential in nature and that this software contains trade secrets of Alumio.

14. Privacy and personal data


Customer shall guarantee that all the requirements in respect of the lawful processing of personal data input by the Customer in Integration Platform to be made and kept available to Customer within the context of the Service, are met.


Regarding the processing of personal data, Alumio is the ‘processor’ within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The Alumio Data Processing Agreement and its Annexes (“DPA”), reflects the parties’ agreement with respect to the processing of personal data by Alumio on behalf of the Customer in connection with the Service, and is effective from the moment the Customer makes use of Integration Platform.

15. Limitation of liability


The liability of Alumio for damages incurred by the Customer as a result of an attributable failure to comply with the Agreement or on any ground whatsoever, is limited per incident (whereby a series of related incidents counts as one incident) to a maximum amount that is equal to one time the agreed upon yearly license fee as specified in the License Agreement, up to a maximum of EUR 10.000,- on a yearly basis.


The liability of Alumio for indirect damages, such as consequential loss, loss of earnings, missed savings, loss of (business) data and damage due to the unavailability of our Services, is excluded.


For there to be any right to compensation, the Customer must report the damages to Alumio in writing as soon as possible after the damage has occurred. Any claim for compensation shall be barred by the mere expiry of a period of six months after the damage-causing incident has occurred.


Liability on the part of Alumio for an attributable failure to comply with the Agreement only arises if the Customer gives Alumio proper notice of default in writing without delay, while providing it a reasonable term to remedy the failure, and Alumio remains in default as regards compliance with its obligations after that term as well.

16. Force majeure


Neither Party is obliged to comply with an obligation towards the other under the Agreement if it is prevented from doing so, as a result of any anticipated or unanticipated outside cause that is beyond its reasonable control, and which causes the affected party to be unable to comply with the relevant obligation(s), (force majeure).


Such force majeure includes a circumstance that is not attributable to fault and that is not for Alumio’s account pursuant to the law, a legal act or in common opinion. Force majeure also includes (but without limitation): domestic disturbances, network attacks, failure of the internet, measures as a result of COVID-19 or other viruses and events wherein Alumio’s suppliers for any reason prevent Alumio from being able to comply with the Agreement.


Each Party has the right to suspend compliance with its obligations under the Agreement during the period of force majeure. If this period exceeds ninety (90) days, each of the parties will have the right to terminate the Agreement.


In the event Alumio has already complied in part with an obligation under the Agreement at the time the situation of force majeure arises, or will be able to comply with this obligation during this period of force majeure, and the part that has been or will be complied with has an independent value, Alumio will have the right to separately invoice the part that has already been complied with or that will be complied with. The Customer will be obliged to pay this invoice.

17. Duration, termination, and removal of Services


The Agreement is concluded for the term mentioned in the License Agreement, starting from the Effective Date. At the end of each term, the Agreement is tacitly renewed with successive terms equal to the initial term. Each party may terminate the Agreement by the end of the initial or renewed term, with due observance of a notice period of three (3) months.


Upon termination or expiration of the Agreement, Customer will no longer be entitled to use agreed upon Services. In such event, any implemented Services must be deleted from Customers systems.


To ensure compliance, Alumio reserves the right to remotely verify that the Services have been properly removed from the Customer’s systems. This verification will be conducted in a manner that respects the customer’s privacy and system integrity. In this respect, the Customer agrees to grant Alumio access to their systems for the sole purpose of verifying the removal of the Services. This access will be limited to the extent required to confirm the uninstallation.


If any of the Services is found to be still installed during the remote verification, Alumio will notify the Customer, who must then take immediate action to remove the installed Service(s). Continued failure to comply may result in additional charges or legal action as deemed appropriate by Alumio.

18. Changes to the Agreement and these Terms and Conditions


Alumio is entitled to change these Terms at any time, provided it announces the proposed changes to the Customer at least thirty (30) days in advance.


During the aforementioned term of 30 days, the Customer may object to the changes in writing. Alumio will then reconsider and withdraw the amendment if it considers the objection well-founded. However, if Alumio decides to implement the changes despite the objection, the Customer will have the right to terminate the Agreement as of the moment the changes enter into effect. Use of the Services after the date of effect shall constitute Customer’s acceptance of the changes.

19. Miscellaneous


The Agreement shall be governed by Dutch law.


All disputes related to the Agreement will be submitted to the Court of Rotterdam in the Netherlands.


Alumio has the right to transfer its rights and obligations under the Agreement to a third party that acquires the business operations to which the Agreement is subject.