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Ensure business continuity & prevent system crashes

Written by
Carla Hetherington
Published on
July 6, 2023
Updated on
May 17, 2024

Downtime caused by system crashes can severely harm businesses, causing significant financial losses that may be irreversible. So, how can businesses avoid this? The answer is quite simple: with a reliable platform that ensures business continuity and avoids system crashes. Want to know the full story? Keep on reading!

What are the effects of system crashes?

According to Gartner, a business can lose around $5,600 per minute due to system crashes, which extrapolates to well over $300K p/hour.

Do these numbers scare you? If not, they should, and there are many more where that came from:

In March 2015, Apple suffered a 12-hour outage that cost the company $25 million.

In August 2016, Delta Airlines underwent a five-hour power outage in an operation center, causing 2,000 cancelled flights and an estimated loss of $150 million.

In March 2019, Facebook experienced a 14-hour outage that cost the company an estimated $90 million.

Although these numbers are nothing short of shocking, they belong to huge enterprises with vast financial resources and big operating margins. As such, these companies can handle short-term financial challenges and quickly make up for the losses in ways smaller companies simply cannot.

However, to smaller companies, especially startups, any downtime can be detrimental and even fatal. Thus, the lesson is straightforward: downtime, at any rate, can have an irreversible impact on businesses and must, therefore, be avoided at any cost.

How can you avoid system crashes and downtime?

The way to avoid this is simple: having a reliable platform that ensures business continuity and uptime.

Alumio is a low-code integration platform as-a-service (iPaaS) that connects multiple software, cloud apps, and data sources, guaranteeing seamless workflow automation and uninterrupted data synchronization.

How does Alumio prevent system crashes and ensure business continuity?

  • Real-Time Synchronization: Alumio can synchronize data in real-time, ensuring that changes made in one system are immediately reflected in another system. This is especially useful for applications that require real-time updates, such as e-commerce sites.
  • Process huge data loads: Alumio can handle large volumes of data through batch processing, optimizing performance and reducing the load on systems, thus avoiding system crashes. To add to this, Alumio’s queueing mechanism prevents your IT systems from overloading with data peaks by breaking data down into many queues and sub-queues that can be processed chronologically, as required by an endpoint. Additionally, Alumio helps normalize huge data loads across integrations using data entities like JSON, CSV, and XML in all kinds of data structures.
  • Data visibility: Alumio centralizes data and integrations on a single interface, providing 360-degree insights at all times that improve detection capabilities in the event of an error, prevent data silos, and facilitate the secure expansion of your IT landscape.
  • Secure environment for your data: Alumio safeguards your data to protect it from system crashes that can disrupt business operations. It offers a configurable option to centralize and store your data on dedicated cloud space, providing remote access and protection against on-premises data loss caused by accidents, fire, or water damage. Additionally, it enables secure data migration, remote system redeployment, and simplified monitoring of data security through automated logging.
  • Reactivation procedures: Alumio has reactivation procedures in case of system crashes and buffers and caches data to ensure business continuity

Among others, these are the key benefits that Alumio provides that ensure IT infrastructural insurance, especially when it comes to system crashes, massive orders during peak seasons, or other unexpected back-office failures.

In conclusion...

System crashes can have severe consequences for businesses, and thus must be avoided at all costs. The most cost-effective and future-proof way to avoid them? A reliable platform like Alumio.

Alumio offers real-time synchronization, the ability to handle large data loads, centralized data visibility, a secure environment for data, and reactivation procedures in case of system crashes. These features provide optimal IT infrastructural insurance, protecting businesses from the impacts of system crashes and unexpected failures. By implementing a robust platform like Alumio, businesses can minimize downtime, prevent financial losses, and maintain uninterrupted operations.

Looking to discover how Alumio ensures business continuity? Get a personalized demo of our integration platform -> 

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Business Development Representative, Alumio, point to the right with both hands -  within a white circular background.

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