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What are the benefits of integrating Salesforce Order Management System with e-commerce?

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November 1, 2023

If you are a company active in e-commerce, chances are you also use Salesforce. Salesforce is a widely used CRM system used by many companies to manage their sales and marketing processes. But did you know that you can also integrate an Order Management System (OMS) with Salesforce? In this blog, we look at the five key benefits of integrating Salesforce Order Management System with e-commerce in 2023.

Better customer experience

One of the biggest benefits of integrating Salesforce Order Management System with e-commerce is that it can contribute to a better customer experience. This is because by integrating the OMS with Salesforce, you, as a company, gain more insight into your customers' preferences and behaviour. This allows you to effectively respond to their wants and needs. For instance, by making personalised offers, or by recommending products that match their previous purchases. That way, customers feel better understood and appreciated, which improves customer satisfaction.

More efficient order processing

Another key benefit of integrating Salesforce Order Management System with e-commerce is that it can contribute to more efficient order processing. This is because by integrating the OMS with Salesforce, it becomes possible to manage the entire order process in one system. This eliminates the need to manually transfer orders to different systems, which reduces the risk of errors and saves time. In addition, the OMS offers the ability to automatically process and send orders, saving you a lot of time and money as a business.

Greater insight into customer behaviour

By integrating the OMS with Salesforce, you as a company not only gain more insight into your customers' preferences and behaviour, but also their purchase history. This can contribute to a better understanding of the customer and their needs. By using these insights, you can, for instance, create targeted marketing campaigns or offer products that match their previous purchases. This will increase your chances of a successful sale and a satisfied customer.

Lower costs

One of the key benefits of integrating Salesforce OMS with e-commerce is that it enables companies to cut costs. The integration allows companies to manage their logistics processes more efficiently and better align their inventory levels with customer demand. This can lead to a significant reduction in inventory management, transportation and warehousing costs. Moreover, the integration makes it possible to reduce the number of returns, which also has a positive impact on the company's overall costs.

Better cooperation between departments

Another key benefit of integrating Salesforce OOMS with e-commerce is that it can improve collaboration between different departments within the company. By collecting all orders and customer data in one central location, it becomes easier for different departments to collaborate and share information. This can lead to better coordination between marketing, sales and customer service departments, for example. For example, marketing activities can be better aligned with customer demand and customer complaints and queries can be handled faster.

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