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Use our pricing calculator to
choose the right Alumio Edition!

Alumio provides flexible pricing editions to adapt to all integration needs. Calculate the right amount of tasks and data engines you need to maximize your integrations and choose an Edition accordingly.

*Please note: The number of Tasks and data Engines provided by our pricing calculator are an estimation. If you wish to get a detailed consulting on which edition is best suited to accommodate your integration needs, book a meeting with one of our account executives.
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How does our pricing calculator work?

Alumio offers diverse pricing editions based on different integration needs and complexity. The purpose behind our pricing calculator is to help you determine which Edition fits your needs best so you can maximize the potential of your investment. The main factors that differentiate the Editions are Tasks and Data Engines.

Please note: The number of Tasks and data Engines provided by our pricing calculator are an estimation. If you wish to get a detailed consulting on which edition is best suited to accommodate your integration needs, book a meeting with one of our account executives.

What are Data Engines?

Alumio Data Engines are powerhouses that help process Tasks like handling data, incoming and outgoing requests, and executing background operations. Each Data Engine ensures optimized data management through our advanced queue system.
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Choose an Alumio Edition with the right number of Data Engines based on your data processing needs. Or, opt to buy extra Data Engines as add-ons to boost your performance; We are nothing if not flexible!

What are Tasks?

A ‘Task' represents any data exchange between business systems, whether it's within your internal network or with external platforms, like updating product details online. The key metric is the initiation of Tasks, not their completion status. This ensures a transparent measure of your business's data exchange, which is vital for strategic planning.
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Tasks play a crucial role in our different pricing editions since each Edition is determined by how many tasks need to be processed.

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