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The Cost Optimization Benefits of an iPaaS

How the Alumio iPaaS helps reduce TCO, improve TTM and increase ROI
Written by
Saad Merchant
Read time
9 min
Last updated
Sep 10, 2022


It’s a no-brainer that business automation results in cost optimization. With the rapid digitalization of markets, digital transformation is now the most effective way to achieve automation.

Modernizing businesses achieve this by integrating SaaS solutions and cloud applications, such as e-commerce, ERP, PIM, CRM, and other systems. These software integrations help digitalize and automate business processes across Marketing, Sales, Customer service, Procurement, HR, and all other departments. In other words, businesses can employ these software solutions to automate thousands of repetitive manual processes across departments, saving hundreds of work hours.

So, integrations = business automation = cost optimization. But here’s the real catch!

Contrary to the automation it helps achieve, developing and managing software integrations requires a lot of technical expertise and manual work. It is costly, time-consuming, and extensively dependent on IT support. Thus, to help simplify and automate how businesses create, monitor, and manage these integrations themselves, we developed the Alumio iPaaS (integration Platform as a Service).

The Alumio iPaaS is a cloud-based, low-code integration platform. It helps deploy and govern software integrations with automated tools, without custom coding, and in a quick and cost-effective way. It’s a next-gen solution that doesn’t merely help businesses achieve ‘cost optimization’ through business automation. Rather, the Alumio iPaaS also helps businesses optimize the cost and time it takes to develop and maintain these software integrations for digital transformation.

Like we said - it’s a real catch!

The cost optimization benefits of the iPaaS vs custom code integrations

Alumio vivid purple colored quotation sign, a visual indicator of a quote following on this page.
Too often, we see integrations delivered as custom-built solutions, delayed in time and with a vast overrun in budget. These solutions offer no logging or monitoring features, resulting in integration problems that demand considerable operational costs."

The Alumio iPaaS solution

Designed to supersede the problems of custom coding integrations, the Alumio iPaaS helps significantly lower the technical threshold for creating integrations. As a low-code integration platform, it enables businesses to integrate two or multiple software solutions via one user-friendly interface, without any custom coding, and across on-premise or cloud environments.

It provides automated, self-service integration features that enable non-coding professionals, business users, and even Excel experts, to develop, govern, and orchestrate integrations. This includes various click-and-configure options to automate key integration tasks, such as mapping and data transformation.As a scalable and future-proof integration solution, there are three key cost optimization benefits that the Alumio iPaaS delivers:

1. Reduced TCO

(Total Cost of Operations)

2. Improved TTM

(Time to Market)

3. Increased ROI

(Return on Investment)

Reduce total cost of operations with the Alumio iPaaS

Making integrations user-friendly, automated, and visible

Alumio vivid purple colored quotation sign, a visual indicator of a quote following on this page.
For C-level and IT managers: the real-time data integration capabilities and centralized data control of the Alumio iPaaS help prevent costly, manual data entry delays and data silos, which result in hidden costs.”

For businesses that identify departments or processes with high operational costs, the Alumio iPaaS offers them the flexibility to rapidly integrate any software solution. These integrations help automate repetitive manual processes, reduce the operational risks of human error, and enable businesses to optimize how they use skilled employees to develop newer solutions.

When it comes to developing and managing integrations themselves, the Alumio iPaaS provides key operational advantages that help businesses significantly lower TCO (Total Cost of Operations):

1. Making integrations simple for developers and non-coding professionals

Where once only coding experts could develop and monitor integrations, the Alumio iPaaS enables junior developers, project managers, data experts, and even business users with data management skills to create and govern integrations. This helps to significantly reduce operational costs in regard to hiring, outsourcing, and third-party dependency.

More importantly, as a low-code solution, the Alumio iPaaS doesn’t just free Senior Developers to focus on building solutions that still require coding expertise. Rather, it provides advanced integration tools and flexible features that these developers can use to build complex custom integrations, better suited to tackle the specific needs of your business.

2. Reducing troubleshooting costs with automated logging

Eliminating the need to create custom code integrations and centralizing all data and software connections on one platform, the Alumio iPaaS makes it significantly easier to detect and resolve integration errors from one interface.

To add to this, the platform’s automated Monitoring and Logging features help keep track of every process, data transfer, request, and change within each integration. It also helps instantly detect any integration errors or API conflicts, which users can swiftly troubleshoot and resolve via an intuitive dashboard. This helps save significant time and labor costs.

3. Eliminating black boxes and budget overruns

When governing custom code integrations, the data logic that connects the integrated software solutions is incomprehensible to project managers and business owners, who lack coding expertise. This is called a ‘black box problem’ because all the processes and data of the integration cannot be fully seen or comprehended by everyone involved in the project. It results in hidden and unpredictable costs.

In such a black box scenario, integration specialists or developers may request unrealistic budgets for integration fixes and improvements. Or, they may find themselves hard-pressed to present visual evidence for genuine budget requirements. At the same time, business owners aren’t assured enough to allocate appropriate budgets or IT resources to mitigate integration errors in a timely fashion. This makes it difficult to plan fixes, improve current integrations, or add new APIs and software connections.

On the other hand, the Alumio iPaaS is designed to eliminate these black box problems. It makes all integrations and data flows visible on one user-friendly interface, which developers, project managers, and business owners can understand and collaborate on. By presenting a clear overview of built logic versus agreed-upon logic, the platform helps identify any extra data logic that needs to be created or improved. But, most importantly, the Alumio iPaaS presents predictable pricing models for building these fixes and improvements, or for upscaling integrations.

Improve ‘Time to Market’ with
the Alumio iPaaS

Create fast, flexible, and scalable integrations

By enabling businesses to integrate systems, software, and applications rapidly, the Alumio iPaaS boosts cost optimization by improving TTM (Time to Market). In other words, it helps businesses launch, test, and improve products and services in the market, significantly faster.

Let’s assume a business is preparing for a Seasonal Sale that is to take place in a month. To optimize the product experience and boost sales, the business decides to integrate its e-commerce platform with a PIM (Product Information Management) system. However, the e-commerce platform is also integrated with the business’s ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system, which means that the PIM system will have to be integrated with two connected endpoints (e-commerce to ERP).

Creating these point-to-point integrations (with custom code) and ensuring full data integrity within a month, is too much of an operational risk. On the other hand, the Alumio iPaaS can be used to create a seamless cross-platform (PIM to ERP and e-commerce) integration within a matter of weeks, without any loss of data integrity. In fact, the platform additionally provides the business with strong caching capabilities and the capacity to manage huge order loads during peak sales. Additionally, its automated error detection capabilities will ensure that the cross-platform integration is ready to market, without any errors or conflicts.

Some of the many ways by which the Alumio iPaaS helps businesses achieve faster time to market is by enabling them to:

1. Seamlessly add or interchange integrations

The platform enables businesses to seamlessly add new software connections to existing integrations, with support for REST, Custom HTTP, FTP, VPN, database connections, and many more. If a connected application needs to be removed or exchanged with a new solution, the platform allows users to seamlessly replace the application with a new one, without any loss of data integrity. This enables businesses to freely experiment with integrating newer applications to improve time to market.

2. Use connector packages as an integration shortcut

To help develop integrations significantly faster, the Alumio iPaaS offers a growing selection of pre-built integrations. Deploying these connector packages helps swiftly connect popular software or systems, in a matter of days. The platform also offers integration tools to flexibly modify and adjust these ready-to-use integrations to suit specific business needs. Users can also save and reuse the configurations of any new integrations they build with the Alumio iPaaS.

3. Enable workflow automation

The Alumio iPaaS allows you to chain processes across integrations to automate a complex sequence of workflows. This helps automate repetitive manual processes, such as sending real-time product stock updates from the ERP system to the e-commerce platform and PIM system, simultaneously. It is also useful for automating data entry work and scheduling daily, weekly, or even monthly tasks.

Increase ROI with the Alumio iPaaS

Get more for less on your integrations

Thinking of creating your first software integrations? Looking to upgrade or migrate old system integrations quickly? Or, considering integrating new software solutions to improve digital growth?

The Alumio iPaaS helps businesses hit the ground running with their digital transformation journey by providing a ready-to-use integration platform to fulfill all software integration needs. It helps them connect software solutions for business automation in a fast and flexible way. And, most importantly, at predictable prices.

Alumio vivid purple colored quotation sign, a visual indicator of a quote following on this page.
If you’re already automating your business with tools like: BitBucket, JIRA, Hubspot or other Project management tools, why write custom code to create system integrations when you can use an iPaaS?”

In this regard, the Alumio iPaaS makes it easier for businesses to effectively plan and calculate their ROI on integrations and digital growth, by helping them:  

1. Save on creating an internal integration solution

One of the biggest business advantages of using the Alumio iPaaS is that it helps businesses skip the significant costs, time, and risks involved in developing and managing internal integration solutions.

Instead of investing expensive resources and many months to prepare a solution for creating integrations, the Alumio iPaaS enables businesses to start integrating software within weeks. As a result, businesses can already test and freely tweak their integrations to better suit business needs.

More importantly, this helps businesses avoid the hidden costs of maintaining, updating, and troubleshooting their own integration solution. It also prevents the unpredictable costs and hours their IT team or integration partner spends on all these processes, which often devours a business' ROI.

2. Avoid spending on platform security, updates, and compliance

Apart from saving businesses the costs and hassles of developing and maintaining an internal integration solution, the Alumio iPaaS is constantly improved to meet evolving industry standards, in terms of performance and security. By providing regular platform and software updates, the highest levels of data security, scalable infrastructure, and dedicated cloud space, the Alumio iPaaS saves businesses from investing resources in constantly improving or expanding such features.

To add to this, the Alumio iPaaS also helps businesses stay compliant with key privacy legislations like GDPR, SOC2, CCPA, FERPA, HIPAA, and more. To adhere to these privacy regulations, businesses must be able to prove how they track and manage customer data. By centralizing all integrations on one platform, the Alumio iPaaS provides businesses with complete data control and access across all connected systems.

3. Get 360-degree data insights

Providing a centralized view of all integrations and data, the Alumio iPaaS helps businesses identify where they are losing money and what touchpoints need to be improved. This includes tracking overall customer engagement and identifying process inefficiencies. These insights can be used to optimize the targeting of marketing activities, ad spends, and budgets for business improvements.


In conclusion, most digitalizing companies waste significant cost, effort, and time by experimenting with tedious point-to-point software integrations without the proper IT infrastructure. While the Alumio iPaaS helps reduce TCO (Total Cost of Operations), improve TTM (Time to Market), and increase ROI (Return on Investment), this is still only a summary of the many cost optimization benefits that it provides.

The Alumio iPaaS provides businesses with a next-gen, scalable solution. It helps seamlessly integrate new software solutions and migrate old legacy systems to new ones. Most importantly, it allows businesses to expedite business automation and digital transformation in a quick, cost-effective, and future-proof way.

Looking to experience first-hand

how the Alumio iPaaS can help you cost-optimize your business with software integrations?

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