Build scalable
system integrations
3 key reasons why Enterprises implement
the Alumio integration platform
Be digital-first
with fast and flexible integrations
Connect multiple systems
Automate workflows
Get real-time error detection
Become data-driven
with real-time data exchange
Centralize all your data
Synchronize all your data
Customize your data flexibly
Stay future-proof
with scalable infrastructure
Migrate to the cloud
Organize commerce ecosystems
Connect with AI, ML, and BI
Improve Time to Market
Lower operational costs
Increase ROI
…66% of companies will invest in integration platforms to address data integration and automation challenges; another 27% already have…”
Looking to enhance ERP integrations?
Simply install the Alumio API Plugin!
Rapidly deploy web services your ERP lacks for effective commerce connectivity!
The Alumio advantage for enterprises
Use native and premium connectors to integrate popular software faster
Integrate EDI to digitalize and streamline data exchange with traders, suppliers, and customers
Transform data flexibly to meet evolving business requirements
Build a commerce ecosystem on one central platform designed to manage all your APIs, integrations, and data
Comply with privacy legislation
Comply with data privacy legislation like GDPR, SOC2, CCPA, FERPA, HIPAA, and more.
Enable data security
Ensure business continuity with caching capabilities, data buffering, and reactivation procedures, while adhering to the latest security standards.
Employ a single-tenant environment
Host all integrations on a dedicated environment with added security and no limit on data routes, endpoints, etc.
Customize your SLA
All editions of Alumio come with their own SLA, tailored to business needs.
Connect with our global network of
integration experts!
Dive into our integration success
stories with enterprises!
Alumio ger oss möjligheten att utveckla en integrerad e-handelsplattform som är ännu bättre, snabbare, mer flexibel och mer pålitlig. Med Alumio kunde vi på djupet integrera vårt anpassade affärssystem. En mycket flexibel och robust anslutning mellan system gör Jac Hensen online mycket smidig för framtiden. Vi kan inte vänta med att se vad som finns i horisonten för Alumio och Magento.”
Alumio är en framtidssäker integrationslösning för oss eftersom det ger oss flexibiliteten att lägga till nya system och möjligheten att ersätta vår webbshop i framtiden (utan förlust av dataintegritet), vilket säkerställer att våra Odoo-anslutningar förblir opåverkade.”