Ranked #1 Best Cloud Service Provider in the Netherlands 2024!
Saad Merchant
5 min read

Beschleunigung der Integrationen und des Datenaustauschs von Heusinkveld

Manufacturing/ Sim Racing products
Geschäftliche Herausforderung
Connect e-commerce with the new ERP system, build flexible data control filters, and enable custom monitoring alerts.
BlueZebra sind Experten darin, wachsenden Unternehmen bei der Implementierung und Nutzung von Odoo Business Apps zu helfen und integrierten B2C- und B2B-E-Commerce mit Alumio bereitzustellen.

Entdecke die Alumio Vorteile für Heusinkveld

An icon depicting two upward ascending vertical graph lines and a purple arrow higher and moving straight up, depicting scalability.
A 2D icon of the Alumio platform insights page
An icon showing a purple dollar sign within a purple circle, connecting to the pictogram of a clock diagonally (left to right) with cyclical arrows, depicting operation efficiency.
An icon for an outlined e-commerce integrations with a black outlined store pictogram and a purple clock sitting atop it on the right.
Schnellere Markteinführungszeit

über Heusinkveld

Heusinkveld is a pioneering manufacturer in developing cutting-edge race simulation solutions from the Netherlands, founded by a group of enthusiasts passionate about creating realistic and immersive driving experiences using state-of-the-art technology. Some of the products that Heusinkveld offers include Sim Racing pedals, shifters, and handbrakes, which are all designed to provide a realistic driving experience. The company's products are used by sim racers all over the world, from amateurs to professional drivers who use simulators for training and preparation.

Warum Heusinkveld Alumio gewählt hat

As a leading company in the Sim Racing hardware industry, Heusinkveld sells its renowned pedals, shifters, and handbrakes all over the world, partly by resellers, yet with a lot of their sales coming through their e-commerce webshop that was built on WooCommerce. In order to manage and streamline its online products, sales, and region-wise distribution better, Heusinkveld decided to implement Odoo as their main ERP for the integrated business solutions it offers.

At this point, Heusinkveld had two key integration challenges that led them to discover the Alumio integration platform:

  1. They needed an effective integration solution:
    Not wanting to change their e-commerce platform that was built on WooCommerce, Heusinkveld needed an integration solution to connect it with their new Odoo ERP.
  2. They needed flexible data control:
    Heusinkveld wanted the flexibility to filter which products from their main inventory appeared on the webshop and which products they synchronized the stock for between Odoo and WooCommerce.

What Alumio helped Heusinkveld integrate

As a cloud-native, low-code integration platform specializing in e-commerce to ERP integrations, Alumio already had a standard connection to rapidly integrate Heusinkveld’s WooCommerce webshop with their Odoo system.

At the same time, to help expedite the configurations to connect both systems, Alumio also introduced Heusinkveld to BlueZebra, from its global network of Alumio integration partners. Being experts in building Odoo integrations using the Alumio integration platform, BlueZebra was able to immediately understand and translate all of Heusinkveld’s integration needs. The entire WooCommerce to Odoo integration, along with all the customizations that Heusinkveld required, was set up within a few months using the Alumio integration platform.

Verbundene Endpunkte

How Heusinkveld used the Alumio platform

With Alumio, Heusinkveld can now seamlessly filter and update the product data sent from Odoo to their webshop in real-time. The data transformation features of Alumio also help flexibly modify product data as it seamlessly passes from Odoo to WooCommerce via Alumio and as fresh orders come in from WooCommerce to Odoo via Alumio.

Heusinkveld also built robust monitoring alerts with Alumio in order to ensure that all the orders that come in through their webshop are properly reflected in Odoo. The monitoring system sends them email alerts immediately if there are errors, anomalies, or undetected orders across their connected systems. Alumio also provides a powerful in-built logging system that keeps track of every single data exchange, which also tracks integration errors and API conflicts.

Building their integrations with Alumio enables Heusinkveld to have all their connected systems and data on one scalable platform. This means they can easily replace their integrated systems or add new cloud apps or SaaS solutions without any loss of data integrity - as they grow.

Alumio vivid purple colored quotation sign, a visual indicator of a quote following on this page.
Alumio vivid purple colored quotation sign, a visual indicator of a quote following on this page.
Alumio vivid purple colored quotation sign, a visual indicator of a quote following on this page.
Alumio ist für uns eine zukünftige sichere Integrationslösung, es gibt uns verfügbare, neue Systeme und die möglichen Angebote, unseren Webshop in Zukunft zu ersetzen (ohne Verlust der Datenintegrität), wodurch sichergestellt wird, dass unsere Odoo-Verbindungen nicht beeinträchtigt werden. “
Lolke Koopmans
Projektleiter, Heusinkveld
Saad Merchant
Texter bei Alumio
Saad verfügt über jahrzehntelange Erfahrung im Schreiben aller Arten von Inhalten für alle Arten von digitalen Marketingmedien. Bei Alumio hat er sich in die Idee der Softwareintegrationen verliebt und bringt nun persönlich all seine Marketingerfahrung ein, um zu erklären, wie Integrationen funktionieren, und zwar auf unterhaltsame, erfinderische und leicht verständliche Weise. Wenn er das nicht tut, ist er damit beschäftigt, seine Leidenschaft für Philosophie, Anime, Gaming, Fiktion, Kino, Essen und die Kunst der guten Konversation zu integrieren.

Get in touch

And we'll help you answer any questions you might have

"Feel free to reach out to me directly"
Leonie Becher Merli
Business Development Representative
A vivid purple LinkedIn logoA 2D icon for the Alumio eventsA 2D email icon in anthracite and vivid purpleA 2D phone icon in anthracite and vivid purple
Portrait of Leonie Becher Merli, 
Business Development Representative, Alumio, within a circular white background.
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