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In der Übersetzung verloren: Eine Geschichte über Datenumwandlung

Geschrieben von
Carla Hetherington
Veröffentlicht am
November 16, 2023
Aktualisiert am
24. September 2024

You have undoubtedly heard about the hugely popular “Transformers” movie franchise, but have you ever heard about the Transformers of the Alumio integration platform? Spoiler alert: it has nothing to do with cool cars. Instead, transformers have everything to do with data mapping and transformation, which are both crucial processes in data integration. Ready to deep-dive into what data transformation is and how it works? Keep on reading!

Was ist Datenumwandlung?

Data transformation refers to the process of taking existing data in a particular format or state and converting it into a different format or state to facilitate the seamless integration between a source system and a destination system.

Data transformation can take on many shapes and be constructive (adding and replicating data), negative (deleting irrelevant data), aesthetic (standardizing incoming data and fine-tuning it to suit destination requirements), or structural (renaming or integrating columns in a database). Essentially, it is the cornerstone of data integration across organizations, and Alumio makes it easy to achieve.

Wie funktioniert die Datenumwandlung?

Picture the following: there are two systems: System A and System B. Certain data is retrieved from System A (source system), but System B (target system) requires it in another format to be able to interpret it. For example, perhaps the data from System A is in XML format, but System B only understands data if it is in JSON format.

In this scenario, you have to convert and map the data to the format required by System B, and you may also have to filter the source data since there might be irrelevant information within it that System B doesn’t require.

Was ist Datenmapping?

Data mapping refers to the process of connecting a data field from one source to a data field in another source. As such, it is a visual representation of data movement and transformation and is also known as the first step in the process of data integration.

Warum ist Data Mapping wichtig?

Due to the complexity and high volume of data today, data mapping has become more crucial than ever. With data mapping, the potential for errors is reduced, and data is standardized, thus making it easier to understand and interpret. Not unlike a map, data mapping helps visualize the best way to get data from point A to point B, and just like missing an exit can thwart your travels, data mapping errors can jeopardize your data’s movement from point A to point B.

Is this all starting to sound a bit too complicated? Let’s approach data transformation from the standpoint of an analogy. In this case, we will use language translation as an analogy to better understand what data transformation is and how it works.

Wie hängt also die Datenumwandlung mit der Sprachübersetzung zusammen?

Data transformation is like translating a book from one language to another. Imagine you have a book written in Dutch and want to make it accessible to English readers.

In this case, the Dutch book would be the source system, also known as System A, containing the source data (Dutch language). This source data is structured and formatted in a way that the source system understands (just as a Dutch reader would), but lacks the structure and format for System B, also known as the target system, to understand it (just as an English reader wouldn’t understand the Dutch book). Thus, the answer is simple: translate the book from Dutch to English, i.e., translate the source data from System A so System B can understand.

This translation will be carried out by a translator, the entity transformer. The entity transformer defines how the data should be converted while preserving the meaning, just as a translator would.

Um eine Übersetzung durchzuführen, müssen die Übersetzer jedoch Übersetzungsregeln befolgen, die auf Grammatik, Kontext usw. basieren und festlegen, wie bestimmte Begriffe, Sätze oder Strukturen von einer Sprache in eine andere umgewandelt werden sollen. Bei diesen Regeln handelt es sich um die Datenmapping-Funktionen, die festlegen, wie Datenfelder, Attribute und Strukturen vom Ausgangs- in das Zielformat konvertiert werden.

So wie ein Übersetzer möglicherweise Kontext oder Fußnoten hinzufügen muss, um bestimmte Passagen im Buch für die Leser zu verdeutlichen, müssen Sie manchmal während der Datentransformation die Daten mit zusätzlichen Informationen anreichern, die für System B relevant sind, was durch die Tools von Alumioerleichtert wird.

Just as a translated book may need proofreading to catch errors and ensure accuracy, data transformation processes include checks to verify that the transformed data is correct and handle any errors that may arise. In this case, the proofreader would be Alumio, as the platform provides users with the necessary tools to verify and check the resulting data.

Lastly, once the book is successfully translated and validated, it can be published or made available to readers who speak the target language. In the context of data integration, the transformed data is synchronized with the target system, making it accessible and usable for its intended purpose.

Wie wandelt Alumio Daten um?

The Alumio integration platform as-a-service (iPaaS) transforms data by using entity transformers. Entity transformers are used to execute data actions within the integration, such as mapping, enriching, and transforming data into desired formats and filtering out unnecessary data. Entity transformers can also be used to develop caching layers that optimize integrations.

In the Alumio dashboard, entity transformers can be created and altered by going to Connections -> Entity transformers. With these transformers, data can be modified since they allow data selection/reduction, translation/mapping, encoding, calculation, sorting/ordering, and merging/joining/lookup from other sources, which allows for aggregations, the generation of surrogate keys, transposing/pivoting of array/object keys and values, as well as validation.

Interestingly, transformers also have the ability to filter out entire data points that are produced by incoming configurations, often preventing unnecessary queued items.

Learn how to map and filter data using Alumio’s Entity Transformers →

Additionally, transformers enable the combination of data flows that offer business logic that decides whether the transformer will be applied to a certain data set. The convergence of transformers and Alumio’s features allow for the storage of data and the combination of data sets, which can be compared to create, update, and delete data feeds, as well as many more functions.

Overall, transformers are magical tools that enable you to create your own custom code with endless possibilities.

Deep-dive into how to make use of all the functionalities of Alumio’s entity transformers →  

Was sind die Vorteile der Datenumwandlung mit Alumio?

Verbesserte Datenqualität: Transformationsprozesse können dazu beitragen, Daten zu standardisieren und zu bereinigen, um die Konsistenz und Genauigkeit des Systems zu gewährleisten und gleichzeitig den manuellen Aufwand und die Fehlerwahrscheinlichkeit zu verringern.

Effiziente Datenzuordnung: Alumio bietet Tools für ein einfaches Datenmapping zwischen verschiedenen Formaten und Strukturen, die eine nahtlose Kommunikation zwischen unterschiedlichen Systemen ermöglichen und die Interoperabilität in kürzester Zeit fördern.

Agilität und Skalierbarkeit: Die Datentransformationsfunktionen vonAlumio können zu einer erhöhten Agilität bei der Anpassung an sich ändernde Geschäftsanforderungen und neue Datenformate beitragen. Bei der Anpassung an neue Informationen und Datenformate fördert Alumio die Skalierbarkeit zur Bewältigung wachsender Datenmengen und zunehmender Integrationskomplexität bei expandierenden Unternehmen.

Compliance und Sicherheit: Es ist von entscheidender Bedeutung, dass die Daten sicher und im Einklang mit den einschlägigen Vorschriften umgewandelt werden, und Alumio bietet die erforderlichen Funktionen, um diese Anforderungen zu erfüllen.

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