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Commerce électronique
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Pourquoi les entreprises investissent-elles dans le composable commerce?

Rédigé par
Carla Hetherington
Publié le
20 décembre 2022
Mise à jour le
17 mai 2024

Only yesterday, businesses were racing to integrate entire software solutions and cloud apps to digitally transform their business processes. Today, future-thinking businesses are already looking to level up their integrations by adding compositions of only the most relevant parts of these software solutions and apps. This new kind of advanced integration is termed “Composable Commerce,” a true game-changer that’s causing quite a stir in the world of digital commerce. So, what’s all the fuss about?

What is Composable Commerce?

Composable Commerce is a way for businesses to create more meaningful, intuitive, and convenient product experiences for their customers through a careful selection of best-of-breed technologies.

Get a complete overview of Composable Commerce in our white paper.

How can Composable Commerce benefit your business?  

It is no secret that no single vendor can provide you with a specific range of functionality tailored to your business model and evolving customer demands, and, facing this situation, you shouldn’t compromise!

With Composable Commerce, your business will have the freedom of being scalable without you having to worry about fitting into constraining models because a composable structure adapts to you, not the other way around.

In other words, Composable Commerce aims to put an end to the restrictions of the monolithic architecture of traditional e-commerce platforms and their one-size-fits-all solution that makes it impossible to keep up with new digital developments and customer behavior.

As such, Composable Commerce enables you to:

✓ Répondre aux attentes des clients.

Composable Commerce promotes the incorporation of personalized and customized content online and offline across all channels, which helps to establish positive, lasting relationships with your customers.

Maximiser votre retour sur investissement

Pay only for the commerce functionalities you need, without wasting your money on unnecessary platform features that are tied to traditional e-commerce platforms and eliminate unnecessary expenses associated with bundled features that go unused.

Discover all the cost optimization benefits of Composable Commerce here.

✓ Échelle rapide

Due to the decoupling of the front end (the part customers are in contact with) from the back end (the part that carries out transactional actions and manages the store), developers can adjust code on the back end without it having any repercussions for the front end. This flexibility to personalize and operate the two sides separately without altering other elements results in easy changes and improvements that will allow you to scale fast.

✓ Avoir la liberté d'innover

‍Enfonction des priorités de votre entreprise, vous pouvez vous concentrer sur des aspects particuliers qui ajouteront de la valeur à votre entreprise, les professionnels techniques et non techniques collaborant pour atteindre un objectif commun conformément aux PCB (Packaged Business Capabilities).

✓ Empêcher le verrouillage des fournisseurs

Being committed to one vendor means being confined to their platform-specific features and fixed prices, even if you aren’t taking full advantage of their solution. Instead of being tied to a single vendor, Composable Commerce enables you to selectively integrate packages of the best features that various software offer, based on business requirements. As such, it allows the layering of new applications and the disposal of outdated ones, removing the hassles of rebuilding your tech stack from scratch.

✓ Réduire les délais de mise sur le marché

Due to the flexibility inherent in the composable approach, you can have trial runs for your different capabilities separately, making error detection and modifications easier and thus shortening your release time. Learn more about how to achieve faster time-to-market with Composable Commerce here.

How can Alumio empower your Composable Commerce experience?

Switching from a monolithic architecture to a Composable Commerce model should not be a sudden and absolute change but a smooth, gradual transition: you can decide the level of composability that is right for your business at a given time.

Alumio provides a low-code integration platform. which enables businesses to connect two or multiple software, cloud apps, or data sources. This includes enabling businesses to progressively make the switch towards a composable architecture based on what your current business needs are without having to re-platform your entire existing IT landscape.

Enabling businesses to adapt composable stacks, the Alumio iPaaS (integration Platform as a Service) provides a user-friendly interface that enables both developers and non-developers to create, manage, and modify integrations. It automatically segregates connected systems into data flows and microservices visually on one intuitive dashboard, enabling the seamless integration of any composable PBCs within your IT ecosystem.

If you want to take an in-depth look into how the Alumio iPaaS can Integrate Composable Commerce Experiences in your business, make sure check out our blog!

En fin de compte...

In order to stay in the e-commerce race, as in any race, you need to be agile and fast! If your traditional platform doesn’t offer the specific integration you need or isn’t ready to deliver it on demand, you will be left behind as businesses with composable structures speed into the future. To quote Gartner:

“By 2023, organizations that have adopted a Composable Commerce approach will outpace the competition by 80% in the speed of new feature implementation.”

In short, change is happening, and it’s happening now, so be prepared!

It is beyond question that Composable Commerce is a real solution and not just smoke and mirrors. Plainly speaking, it’s about staying ahead of the curve. Commerce is not a static venture but an ever-changing landscape that evolves synchronously with customer demands, and businesses must naturally evolve with it as well. Every day, more and more businesses are choosing Composable Commerce and benefiting from it, so why shouldn’t you

According to Elastic Path’s 2021 “State of Composable Commerce report,” 95% of e-commerce practitioners surveyed believe Composable Commerce is “the way of the future” for businesses and 72% believe this approach “is beneficial to both technology and business teams.”

If you want to explore the hot topic of Composable Commerce further and how Alumio can help you to progressively make the switch towards a composable architecture, download the full white paper.

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