¡Mejor proveedor de servicios en la nube de los Países Bajos 2024!
Estudio de caso
Carla Hetherington
6 min leer
Estudio de caso externo

Empowering Shots with digitalization and connectivity

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Desafío empresarial
To connect all their apps and ensure optimal data flow across their entire tech stack.
Socio integrador
Factor Blue is an e-commerce agency that builds state-of-the-art Magento webshops, web applications, and websites, integrating complex data sources to promote digital growth.

Descubra las ventajas Alumio para Shots

Un icono que representa dos líneas gráficas verticales ascendentes y una flecha morada más arriba y moviéndose en línea recta hacia arriba, representa la escalabilidad.
Un icono 2D de la página de información de la plataforma Alumio
Visibilidad mejorada
Un icono que muestra un signo de dólar morado dentro de un círculo morado, conectado al pictograma de un reloj en diagonal (de izquierda a derecha) con flechas cíclicas, que representa la eficiencia de la operación.
Eficacia operativa
Icono de una integración de comercio electrónico con un pictograma de tienda perfilado en negro y un reloj morado it a la derecha.
Mayor rapidez de comercialización

Acerca de Shots

Founded in 1995, Shots started out as a family business and has become one of the world’s largest companies in the design, production, and distribution of intimacy products. Headquartered in Beneden-Leeuwen, The Netherlands, and has a branch in Los Angeles, USA. Shots designs and distributes its own trademarked labels worldwide and has over 40 proprietary labels in the field of intimacy, such as sex toys, lingerie, leather goods, gadgets, lifelike dolls, and sex machines, as well as cosmetics and furniture. Additionally, Shots also distributes external brands and now supplies over 15,000 different products from numerous suppliers directly from stock all over the globe.

Por qué Shots eligió Alumio

Shots was looking for an integration solution to be able to connect all their disparate applications. Most of their systems were loosely connected together, meaning that if there was an update required or a system needed to be replaced, they were facing long and time-consuming development times. As such, while their webshop looked and worked well, the data behind it was not organized, hindering their processes and work. Additionally, using Microsoft Business Central as their ERP system, they wanted to ensure that they did not have dozens of connections leading to it and instead had just one. This is because Business Central does two major updates a year, and they wanted to avoid having to update all systems connected to it and instead only update the one.

Thus, Shots approached the Alumio integration platform to help them connect all their apps and ensure optimal data flow across their entire tech stack. They also chose Alumio for its scalability, to help them expand their business and develop more application integrations in the future.

Qué Alumio ayudó Shots integrar

Since Shots did not have the in-house technical support needed to meet their integration requirements, they chose our integration partner, Factor Blue, to manage the entire setup of the Alumio environment, integrate all the necessary endpoints, and perform the subsequent monitoring and maintenance of the platform. As e-commerce development experts, Factor Blue provided Shots with extensive expertise and support to integrate all their different systems via Alumio.

Using the Alumio iPaaS, Factor Blue helped Shots integrate their e-commerce platform (Adobe Commerce), their ERP system (Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central), and PIM or Product Information Management system (Akeneo).

Puntos finales conectados

Cómo Shots utilizó la plataforma Alumio

With Alumio, Shots now has a complete overview of their data and connections, with data flows being visible via the data layer, fostering the easy identification of any problems that may arise. With transparent data flows, Shots now has control over where their data goes and where it comes from, making them more agile in adding, changing, or replacing systems and growing their tech stack without any limits.

All their endpoints are connected and their IT ecosystem is set for future scalability, as the Alumio integration platform enables the easy integration of any additional systems. In the future, Shots will continue reducing their manual work and have plans to integrate a CRM into their tech stack, an app for credit cards, and software for their inventory management. Given the success of this project, Shots is confident about relying on Alumio and Factor Blue to further their integration journey.

Alumio signo de cita de color púrpura vivo, un indicador visual de una cita siguiente en esta página.
Alumio signo de cita de color púrpura vivo, un indicador visual de una cita siguiente en esta página.
Alumio signo de cita de color púrpura vivo, un indicador visual de una cita siguiente en esta página.
One of Alumio’s key advantages is its problem-solving capabilities. The platform’s robust monitoring features make it easy to identify any errors and avoid having to investigate or debug much, as it often happens with point-to-point integrations.”
Jesper van den Bogaard
Director ejecutivo, Factor Blue
Carla Hetherington
Redactor en Alumio
Carla Hetherington es redactor en Alumio Con sede en los Países Bajos, se incorporó a Alumio con la misión de humanizar nuestro producto y hacer it Más accesible a un público más amplio gracias a sus habilidades creativas para contar historias. Cuando no está ocupada escribiendo, se sumerge en las páginas de algún oscuro manuscrito medieval y, de vez en cuando, se toma un descanso para soñar despierta con los gatos que algún día espera tener.

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"No dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo directamente"
Leonie Becher Merli
Representante de desarrollo empresarial
Un logotipo de LinkedIn de color púrpura intensoUn icono 2D para los eventos AlumioUn icono de correo electrónico 2D en antracita y morado vivoUn icono de teléfono 2D en antracita y morado vivo
Retrato de Leonie Becher Merli , Representante de Desarrollo Comercial, Alumio , dentro de un fondo blanco circular.
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