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Ist Ihr Unternehmen bereit für Composable Commerce?

Carla Hetherington
Veröffentlicht am
November 23, 2023

Jeden Tag versuchen zukunftsorientierte Unternehmen, ihre Integrationen zu verbessern, indem sie Kompositionen hinzufügen, die nur die relevantesten Teile von Softwarelösungen und Apps enthalten, anstatt ganze Softwarelösungen zu integrieren. Diese neue Art der fortschrittlichen Integration wird als „Composable Commerce“ bezeichnet und hat in der Welt des digitalen Handels für Aufsehen gesorgt. Daher investieren immer mehr Unternehmen in Composable Commerce. Möchten Sie wissen, ob Ihr Unternehmen von einem Composable-Ansatz profitieren kann? Lesen Sie weiter, um es herauszufinden!

What is Composable Commerce?

Composable Commerce is a way for businesses to create more meaningful, intuitive, and convenient product experiences for their customers through a careful selection of best-of-breed technologies.

What are the benefits of Composable Commerce?

  • Flexibility: it enables businesses to seamlessly integrate best-of-breed systems without the need to re-platform, fostering adaptability to new markets, channels, and customer demands.
  • Modularity: PBCs used in composable structures can be deployed independently and modified over time, eradicating the liabilities that stem from rigid pairings of services.
  • Cost-effectiveness: thanks to its best-of-breed approach, businesses only need to pay for the necessary features instead of paying for an all-in-one platform filled with features they will not use.
  • Time-effectiveness: integrating different components with the composable approach is easier since they communicate through modern APIs.

Now, you may be thinking: “these all sound great, but… How do I start the process of “going composable"? Well…

Some things to consider before making the decision to switch to Composable Commerce:

  • For starters, you need to have a plan. Before making the switch, you will need to conduct extensive research and have a strategy in place. Deciding what your next steps are and the extent to which you want to migrate to Composable Commerce will depend on your specific business needs.
  • Composable Commerce begins with a change of mindset. Thus, your business must be fully on board with the transformation to a modular architecture. Staff will have to adapt to the new way of developing and communicating products to customers. Both business and technical departments will have to collaborate as one unified team to make this endeavor prosper.
  • You will also need to consider the level of technical experience among your staff since having a thorough understanding of what switching to a composable structure entails is imperative in order to guarantee your business' success.
  • Last but certainly not least, it is important to know that switching from a monolithic architecture to a composable model need not be a sudden change but a smooth, gradual transition; there is no need to stress! Additionally, switching to Composable Commerce does not necessarily mean an absolute change. You can decide the level of composability that is right for your business at a given time.

Do you want to dive deep into the reasons behind the increasing switch to composable models? Click here to find out why businesses are investing in Composable Commerce.

How can Alumio empower Composable Commerce?

Here’s how Alumio can help: with our "integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS)", businesses can progressively switch towards a composable architecture based on their current business needs without having to re-platform their entire existing IT landscape. As such, businesses can part ways with legacy systems or base e-commerce platforms without risking any loss of data integrity when “going composable.”

How does this look in practice?

One of the recurring problems with replacing legacy software or implementing new software is how to create these new connections. This entails a greater challenge when integrations are created via custom code and are connected to several systems or if there is an attempt to connect to large-scale and complex ERP systems, such as SAP ECC or Microsoft Dynamics 365. Needless to say, archaic, intricate connections between bespoke systems obstruct the continuity and standardization of data across the organization.

However, with the Alumio iPaaS, adapting composable stacks is easier than ever. Our iPaaS presents a low-code, user-friendly interface that both developers and non-developers can use to create, manage, and modify integrations. By lowering the complexity of integrations, our integration platform enables businesses to have control and ownership of their integrations and thus reduce their dependency on third-party providers.

Additionally, by automatically segregating connected systems into data flows and microservices, the Alumio iPaaS allows businesses to swiftly add new technologies to their domestic digital environment and remove outdated ones. In other words, it provides businesses with unparalleled flexibility to customize their e-commerce stack as desired while guaranteeing the usability and connectivity of all e-commerce data across all systems.

Do you want to grow your business with a composable approach? Read our blog and explore how Composable Commerce plays a crucial role In business scalability.


Simply put, it is beyond question that Composable Commerce is a real solution and not just smoke and mirrors. Plainly speaking, it’s about staying ahead of the curve:

Gartner predicts that “by 2023, organizations that have adopted a Composable Commerce approach will outpace the competition by 80% in the speed of feature implementation.”

As more businesses adopt "composable" models, those tied to monolithic platforms will inevitably struggle to meet changing demands in the market and will thus fall behind. Are you ready to embrace the future of e-commerce? Join us at Alumio and benefit from:

✓ Fast and simplified integrations that allow for swift re-platforming

✓ Agile and future-proof integration landscape

✓ Extensive data governance

✓ Customized and enhanced customer experiences

If you’d like to get a first-hand experience of how our next-gen, low-code integration platform can seamlessly integrate software solutions, apps, or data sources for Composable Commerce, click here to get a free demo.

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