¡Mejor proveedor de servicios en la nube de los Países Bajos 2024!

Discover different types of integration trends!

From system, application, and data integration all the way to API management, EDI, RPA, VPC, and more, explore the latest trends in cloud technology, how they work, and their business benefits.

Integrations: strategy, solutions, tools

In today's hyper-connected business landscape, integrations are the cornerstone to achieve the digital transformation and automation businesses need to  stay future-proof. To understand how integrations work, explore essential integration strategies, traditional and contemporary integration methods and tools, and how integrations are essential for data-driven and digital-first ecosystems.

¿Qué es la integración? Guía completa

Discover how integrations have evolved over the years beyond simply connecting systems, applications, and data sources. Today, integrations enable real-time synchronization, workflow automation, data transformation, and much more!
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Discover our white paper about the different integration solutions and the iPaaS to learn more!

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A guide to data integration

Discover how data integrations consolidate and synchronize data from different sources, eliminating silos, unifying processes, reducing error costs, and boosting efficiency across departments. Explore the different types of data integration, the business benefits, the holistic insight into business operations it provides, and how it helps enhance decision-making.

A guide to API Integration

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are the drivers of next-gen integrations. Enabling faster connections with a more diverse range of applications and being leveraged to facilitate workflow automation, APIs work by providing an interface for apps to exchange data and communicate with each other seamlessly. Explore how APIs and API management work and how API-led design - such as RAML and REST API - are revolutionizing the future of integrations and data connectivity.  
Retrato de Leonie Becher Merli , Representante de Desarrollo Comercial, Alumio , dentro de un fondo blanco circular.

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A guide to system integration

System integrations involve connecting various software applications and IT systems within an organization to facilitate seamless data exchange, streamline business processes, and enable new services. Leveraging tools like APIs and the iPaaS, system integration involves connecting on-premises legacy systems and new cloud apps and SaaS solutions. This includes integrating ERP systems, CRM systems, e-commerce solutions, and other third-party apps. Explore and compare different facets of system integration.

Trending subjects related to integrations

When exploring how to adopt the latest cloud-based technology, trends, and integration best practices, here are some key related topics to consider. Explore the new trend of RPA (Robotic Process Automation), the importance of message queuing service in modern cloud technology, as well the necessity of the OAuth authentication framework, and why modern enterprises prefer the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
Retrato de Leonie Becher Merli , Representante de Desarrollo Comercial, Alumio , señala hacia la derecha con ambas manos - dentro de un fondo circular blanco.

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